photo by Stefanie Boßhammer

Summer School Konstanz-Pretoria 2017/18

„Ursprungserzählungen und Gründungsmythen/ Narratives of Origin and Founding Myths“

From the 9th to the 14th of April, 2018, The University of Pretoria played host to the “Ursprungserzählungen und Gründungsmythen/ Narratives of Origin and Founding Myths” summer school program, which was jointly organized with the University of Konstanz. The initiative was based on the collaboration between the “Studies in European Culture” master’s program at the University of Konstanz and the “African-European Cultural Relations” partner program at the University of Pretoria. The 2018 event continued the format set by an initial summer school held in Konstanz in June 2017, and was led by Prof. Dr. Stephan Mühr (Pretoria), Prof. Dr. Benda Hofmeyr (Pretoria) and Prof. Dr. Albrecht Koschorke (Konstanz). Participants included students and doctoral candidates from various disciplines in both Pretoria and Konstanz, as well as students from the “Studies in European Culture” program and program coordinator Tim Julijan Holzner. The 2017 and 2018 summer school programs are outstanding examples of the close and exceptionally fruitful cooperation between the two degree programs and universities, and there is every intention of expanding on such collaboration in the future. A summary report of the 2018 Pretoria summer school program can be downloaded in either English or German.