© Sandra Rudman
© Sandra Rudman

Cartographies of Chilean Muralism in Exile: Between Testimony and Memory

Vortrag von Sandra Rudman und Cristóbal Barria Bignotti im Zentrum für Kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung Konstanz

28. Juni 2023, 17.30 Uhr, Seminarraum in der Bischofsvilla

Moderation Prof. Dr. Anne Kraume

In this talk we will present the progress of our interdisciplinary research project that maps and analyzes Chilean murals painted by Chileans in exile during the military dictatorship of 1973-1990, as well as the oral testimonials of the actor networks (exiles and solidary allies) behind the murals. We pretend to show how the outstanding evaluation of the mural’s iconographic, polyphonic, and entangled histories can make significant contributions to the evaluation of Chilean muralism within Latin American and European art, to the Chilean sociopolitical debate on Memoria y Justicia (memory in exile), to testimonial studies (new forms of testimonies), and to understand the collective memory that postephemeral murals transport.