Prof. Dr. Christina Wald

Professor of English Literature and Literary Theory

Phone: +49 (0) 7531 88 2403
Fax: +49 (0) 7531 88 3897
Office: H 203

Director of the Centre for Cultural Inquiry, Orcid ID

Office hours in presence or online via Zoom (link)
For an appointment please register using this online timetable.

Please follow this link for general information on term papers, final theses and oral exams 

Information concerning letters of recommendation

Team Assistant:
Sabrina Wagenbüchler
Office: H 204
Phone: + 49 (0) 7531 88 2433

Student Assistants:
Lea Vass & Natalie Zwätz
Office: H 202

Postal Address:
Universität Konstanz
Fachbereich Literatur-, Kunst-, und Medienwissenschaften
Fach 161
78457 Konstanz

News and Recent Activities

The CfP for the 33rd Annual CDE Conference on New Stages for Sex, Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Theatre is online.

Ms. Leila Vaziri has won the "CDE Biennial Award for the best new monograph study in the field of contemporary theatre and drama in English"  for her dissertation! Congratulations!

Dr. Bailey Sincox: "'What men daily do': Consent in Much Ado About Nothing"

As part of Professor Wald's Research and Exam Colloquium, Dr. Bailey Sincox (Princeton) will present a paper on "'What man daily do': Consent in Much Ado About Nothing" on the 4th of June, 11.45-13.15 in G 421.

Building upon past feminist approaches to Much Ado, in this paper I frame its Claudio and Hero plot in terms of consent. My main point is that the play’s operative term for consent is “goodwill,” a word that, like “consent,” conflates affective and legal discourses. I argue that early scenes establish the expectation that Hero’s goodwill must be “got” for a marriage to proceed. Because Hero’s consent to Pedro is reported rather than staged––and because Pedro is exchanged for Claudio––this moment parallels the notorious window scene in which Claudio reports that he has seen Hero exchange her betrothed for Borachio. Via these parallel scenes––and in contrast to the Beatrice and Benedick plot––I argue that Much Ado exposes “goodwill” predicated on a logic of exchange to be an unstable, patriarchal fiction. In so doing, I argue, the play dramatizes the limits of coercion.

Dr. Aneta Mancewicz (Royal Holloway, London): Extended Reality

31 January 2024, 10-11.30 a.m., room H 307

At the invitation of the research initiative and core topic of the
Centre of Cultural Inquiry, "Transforming Infrastructure: Cultural
Perspectives", Dr. Aneta Mancewicz (Royal Holloway, London) will speak
about her research project and forthcoming publication Extended Reality
 as part of a seminar on "Resetting Shakespeare". Anyone
interested is cordially invited!

Extended reality is an innovative force that changes our understanding
of theatre and Shakespeare. Drawing on Shakespeare’s Tempest and A
Midsummer Night's Dream
, this talk discusses the creative convergences
between Shakespeare’s dramaturgy and digital technology. It explores how
the inclusion of augmented and virtual realities in performance can
reconfigure the senses of the experiencers, enabling them to actively
engage with technology. Such engagements can, in turn, result in new
forms of presence, embodiment, eventfulness, and interaction. Given
Shakespeare’s emphasis on metatheatre, his works can inspire the
layering of environments, as well as the experiences of transition
between the environments – both features that distinguish extended
reality in performance and its infrastructures.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Christina Wald;

As part of the seminar "Resetting Shakespeare", Dr. Erin Sullivan (Shakespeare Institute, Stratford-upon-Avon) will speak about
Greta Gerwig's film Ladybird as an adaptation of William Shakespeare's The Tempest.
13 December 2023, 10-11-30 a.m. in H 307

6 December 2023, Elizabeth Freestone: 'all which it inherit shall dissolve': Ecodramaturgy and the cultural infrastructure of Shakespeare's The Tempest

8 July 2023 Panel at European Shakespeare Research Association Conference in Budapest: "Hamlets Today: Retooling Hamlet for the New Century" with Zoltán Márkus, Christina Wald,
Douglas M. Lanier, Thomas Cartelli

Traveling Forms - Practices, Politics, Potentialities. International interdisciplinary conference. Konstanz (June 2023)

18-20 May 2023, Postcolonial Infrastructure: Annual Conference of the German Association for Postcolonial Studies (GAPS), University of Konstanz.

17 May 2023 Homi Bhabha's Iser Lecture 2023: Not All Each Day: The Infrastructures of Racial Life, Video Recording

02 May 2023 Fritz Breithaupt: Narrative Tools as Co-experiencing

14-16 July 2022 International Workshop at the University of Konstanz

"Shakespeare's Seriality" with Aleida Assmann, Carla Baricz, Elisabeth Bronfen, Ewan Fernie, Sarah Hatchuel, Diana Henderson, Isabel Karremann, Paul Kottman, Claudia Olk, and Christina Wald
co-organised by Elisabeth Bronfen und Christina Wald

29 June- 1 July, Centre for Cultural Inquiry, Universität Konstanz: Workshop on "Rethinking Infrastructure"

8-9 June 2022, The New Institute, Hamburg: Workshop on "The Right to Interpretation”

28 April 2022, Christina Wald: "Antigone: Requiem, Ruin, Revenant", Talk at the ReTAGS Speaker Series

29 May 2022 (11:00 Uhr), Stadttheater Konstanz: Podiumsdiskussion zu "Königin Lear" (mit Dr. Johannes Bruggaier, Dr. Doris Happl, Kristo Šagor, Prof.Dr. Christina Wald und Dr. Martin Windisch)

25 March 2022, Paris, AgorAkademi: Workshop on Public Space Democracy: Performative, Visual and Normative Dimensions of Politics in a Global Age

26 November 2021, Christina Wald: "Taking Shakespeare to The Wilds: Feminist Revisions of The Tempest in Complex TV", Keynote at the conference "Women’s Rights and Global Adaptations of Shakespeare", FU Berlin, 25-26 November 2021

29 October 2021, Christina Wald: "Male Mothers in Westworld and The Tempest", Talk for a workshop on "Westworld" at the University of Zurich

7-9 October 2021 International workshop on "Traveling Tragedy", organised by the NOMIS research group "Traveling Forms"

4 July 2021, Christina Wald: "Viel Lärm um Nichts" ("Much Ado about Nothing"), Talk at the Konstanz Münsterplatz

9 March 2021, Christina Wald: "Hamlet & Black Earth Rising: Returns to the Roots", Talk at Syracuse Univerity

10 February 2021 Guest Talk by Sola Adeyemi: "Refracted from the Canon: The Transmuted Form of Europe's Ambassador to Africa in Femi Osofisan’s Wesoo Hamlet!"

15 January 2021, Christina Wald: "„europa liegt am strand“: Die Rückkehr der Toten in Thomas Köcks antigone. ein requiem" Talk for a workshop on "Tragischer Konflikt und politische Vermittlung" as part of the project  „Der Antigonistische Konflikt“ by Marcus Llanque and Katja Sarkowsky.

Christina Wald is part of the interdisciplinary NOMIS-Research Group "Traveling Forms", which starts its collaboration in October 2020

Christina Wald's new book Shakespeare’s Serial Returns in Complex TV has been published

Fields of Research

  • Early Modern Drama (in particular Shakespeare) and Prose Fiction
  • Contemporary Drama, Theatre and Performance, Film and TV Series
  • Adaptation Studies, Inter-/Transmediality, Transcultural Form Travels
  • Literary and Cultural Theory: Gender Studies, Feminist Theory, Postcolonial and Transcultural Theory, New Formalism and Infrastructuralism, Ecocriticism, Psychoanalysis and Poststructuralism, Plausibility Theory

Research Projects

  • Traveling Forms
    As member of the NOMIS Research Group "Traveling Forms" I am working on forms of resistance in postcolonial tragedy.
    I am currently co-editing a collection on "Tragedy as a Travelling Form" with Philipp Lammers and Juliane Vogel, and the research group has just conducted an international workshop on "Traveling Forms: Practices, Politics, Potentialities".

My publications on postcolonial tragedy so far include

"European tragedy as Requiem, Ruin, Revenant in Magnet Theatre’s Antigone (not quite/quiet) and Thomas Köck’s antigone. a requiem." South African Theatre Journal (2023). KOPS, Publisher

"Europas Wiedergänger und die postkoloniale Politik der Toten: Thomas Köcks antigone. ein requiem und Magnet Theatres Antigone (not quite/quiet)." Die Politik der Toten: Figuren und Funktionen der Toten in Literatur und Politischer Theorie. Eds. Marcus Llanque and Katja Sarkowsky. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2023. 189-215. KOPSPublisher   

"Migrant Deaths and European Revenants in Thomas Köck’s antigone. a requiem (2019): Sophocles’ Tragedy Recomposed and Decomposed." Modern Drama 65.4 (2022): 547–570. KOPS, PDF, Publisher

“‘Why Didn’t You Just Stay Where You Were, a Relic in the Memory of Poets?’: Yoruban Ritual and Sororal Commonality in Fémi Òsófisan’s Tègònni: An African Antigone.” The Journal of Commonwealth Literature 56.2 (2018): 201 –217. KOPS PDF / Publisher

  • Shakespeare and Seriality
    A large part of my research activities in recent years has focused on how Shakespeare's plays recur in complex TV, how they offer a formal repertoire, plots and characters that are productive for the negotiation of current concerns such as postcolonial justice, the potentials and threats of Artificial Intelligence, the state of democracy in late capitalism, the ecological challenge of global warming, the future of feminism, etc.

    I am currently co-editing a collection with Elisabeth Bronfen on "Shakespeare and Seriality: Page, Stage, Screen".

    Past publications is this field include:

    "Shakespeare in The Wilds: Experimenting with The Tempest." Adaptation 15.2 (2022): 264-284. KOPS, PDF, Publisher

    Shakespeare’s Serial Returns in Complex TV. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. KOPSPublisherGoogle Books

    "The Homeland of Coriolanus: War Homecomings between Shakespeare's Stage and Current Complex TV." Shakespeare Survey 72 (2019), 136-149. KOPS /  Publisher

Supervision and Mentorship

Doctoral Projects:

Naemi Victoria Dehde: Screening the Working-Class: Neoliberal Ideology in British Popular Cinema, 1990s - 2020

Seyedeh Narges Noorani: Lost in Translation: Transgender Concerns of Anglophone Films in Persian Translation

Emily Anderson: Old Magic, New Realities – New Perspectives on Contemporary Magical Realism (as second supervisor)

Murat Kabak (Boğaziçi University, Istanbul): A Semiotics of Humour in Neo-Victorian Fiction (Erasmus Exchange 2022-2023)

Evelyn Mohr: Envisioning the End of the World: Ecocritical Readings of Complex TV

Eszter Vass: Trauma and Metatheatre on the Contemporary Anglophone Stage

Jasmin Bieber: Unprecedented Paths Beyond Europe: British Female Travel Writing, 1680-1780   

Swapnil Sree (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi): Filmische Umarbeitungen der Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm in Deutschland und Amerika (exchange Baden-Württemberg Stiftung 2019-20)

Ashley Moser: Confronting the Anthropocene in the Science Fictions of Kim Stanley Robinson (as second supervisor)

Susanne Köller: Nostalgia, Trauma, Retrofuturism: Reframing History in Serial Neo-Period Drama (completed 2023)

Marit Meinhold: Identity in Crisis – Irish Adaptations of Greek Tragedy - Mothers, Families, Communities (completed 2022)

Ashley Moser: Confronting the Anthropocene in the Science Fictions of Kim Stanley Robinson (as second supervisor)

Jonas Kellermann: The Aesthetics of Affect in Romeo and Juliet (completed 2020)
Publication: Dramaturgies of Love in Romeo and Juliet - Word, Music, and Dance

Anja Hartl: Experiential Brecht - Dialectical Theatre on the Contemporary British Stage (completed 2019)
Publication: Brecht and Post-1990s British Drama - Dialectical Theatre Today

Postdoc Projects:

Jonas Kellermann: Queer Spectralities in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction

Leila Vaziri: Representations of Pregnancy in British Literature and Culture: 1890-1939 [Working title]

Anja Hartl: Textures of Shame in the Victorian Novel (2019-2023)

Curriculum Vitae

since Dec 2019

Director of the Centre for Cultural Inquiry (Zentrum für kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung) at the University of Konstanz

since 2014

Professor of English Literature and Literary Theory, University of Konstanz

2013 - 2014

Professor of English and American Literature and Culture with a Focus on Gender and Postcolonial Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Habilitation in "English Literature and Culture" at Universität Augsburg
Thesis: "Spectres of Transubstantiation: The Eucharist, Disguise and Foreign Fashion in Early Modern Prose Fiction and Culture"

2009 - 2010

Postdoctoral Fellow at Humanities Center at Harvard (sponsered by the Volkswagen Foundation)

2006 - 2013

Assistant Professor of English Literature ('Wiss. Assistentin') at Universität Augsburg


Dr. phil. in English Literature at Universität zu Köln
Thesis: "Hysteria, Trauma, and Melancholia: Performative Maladies in Contemporary Anglophone Drama" (sponsored by the German National Academic Foundation)


Visiting Research Fellow at Birkbeck College, London

2002 - 2006

Lecturer ('wiss. Hilfskraft') at the English department, Universität zu Köln

1997 - 2003

Actor, Director's Assistant and Director at Studiobühne Köln and Schauspiel Köln

1997 - 2002

BA and MA Studies of English and German Literature, Theatre, Film and TV Studies at the Universities of Cologne and Warwick

Shakespeare’s Serial Returns in Complex TV. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. KOPSPublisher, Google Books

The Reformation of Romance: The Eucharist, Disguise, and Foreign Fashion in Early Modern Prose Fiction. Anglia Book Series Berlin: de Gruyter, 2014. KOPS / Contents

Hysteria, Trauma and Melancholia: Performative Maladies in Contemporary Anglophone Drama. New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. KOPS / Contents / Publisher

[Reviewed in gender forum 20 (2008); Journal for the Study of British Cultures 15.1 (2008) 90-91; Anglistik - International Journal of English Studies 20.2 (2009), 211-218; The Year's Work in English Studies (2009), 78-79: Litteraria Pragensia 20:39 (2010)]

(Co-) Edited Books and Journal Issues

with Thomas G. Kirsch: Vorläufige Gewissheiten: Plausibilität als soziokulturelle Praxis. Bielefeld: transcript, 2024. KOPS, Publisher, open access.

Co-editor and Review Editor of JCDE: Journal of Contemporary Drama in English (published by de Gruyter with the German Society for Contemporary Drama in English), 2013-2021. Publisher

with Martin Middeke, Timo Müller and Hubert Zapf: English and American Studies: Theory and Practice. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2012. KOPS / Contents / Publisher

with Martin Middeke: The Literature of Melancholia: Early Modern to Postmodern. New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. KOPS / Contents / Publisher

with Svenja Flaßpöhler and Tobias Rausch: Kippfiguren der Wiederholung: Interdisziplinäre Untersuchungen zur Figur der Wiederholung in Literatur, Kunst und Wissenschaften. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2007. KOPS / Contents

Medieval Shakespeare. Special Issue of Shakespeare: Journal of the British Shakespeare Association 8.4 (2012). KOPS / Publisher

with Gerd Bayer: “Section II: Early Modern Narratives and the Genesis of Genre.” Anglistentag 2011, Freiburg: Proceedings. Eds. Monika Fludernik and Bernd Kortmann. Trier: WVT, 2012. 105-192. KOPS

  Co-editor of Shakespeare Seminar Online 2008 - 2015

  • Believing in Shakespeare: Faith and Doubt on the Elizabethan Stage. KOPS / Contents / PDF
  • Shakespeare's (Un)fortunate Travellers: Maritime Adventures Across the Genres. KOPS / Contents / PDF
  • Shakespeare and the City: The Negotiation of Urban Spaces in Shakespeare’s Plays. KOPS / Contents / PDF
  • Shakespearean Foodways: Feasting, Fasting, Playing and Digesting. KOPS / Contents / PDF

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • "Theatrical Plausibility in the Drama of Migration", CDE: Journal of Contemporary Drama in English 12.2 (2024), forthcoming
  • "European Tragedy as Requiem, Ruin, Revenant in Magnet Theatre’s Antigone (not quite/quiet) and Thomas Köck’s antigone. a requiem." South African Theatre Journal 35.3 (2023): 212-226. KOPSPublisher
  • "Migrant Deaths and European Revenants in Thomas Köck’s antigone. a requiem (2019): Sophocles’ Tragedy Recomposed and Decomposed." Modern Drama 65.4 (2022): 547–570. KOPSPDFPublisher
  • "Shakespeare in The Wilds: Experimenting with The Tempest." Adaptation 15.2 (2022): 264-284. KOPSPDF, Publisher
  • "Shakespeare’s Suppliants: The ‘Rotten Custom’ of Ancient Asylum Seeking in Coriolanus." Classical Receptions Journal 14.1 (2022): 1–25. KOPSPublisher
  • "Shakespeare’s Art of Entanglement: The Tempest’s Tragicomic Dramaturgy of Knotting and Untying." Shakespeare (2021). KOPSPublisher
  • "The Spectral Returns of The Merchant of Venice in Marina Carr’s Portia Coughlan: 'Only his shadow?'." Shakespeare Bulletin 39.2 (2021): 241-260. KOPSPDF, Publisher
  • "The Homeland of Coriolanus: War Homecomings between Shakespeare's Stage and Current Complex TV." Shakespeare and War Shakespeare Survey 72 (2019), 136-149. KOPS Publisher
  • “‘Why Didn’t You Just Stay Where You Were, a Relic in the Memory of Poets?’: Yoruban Ritual and Sororal Commonality in Fémi Òsófisan’s Tègònni: An African Antigone.” The Journal of Commonwealth Literature 56.2 (2018): 201 –217. KOPS / PDF / Publisher
  • “‘Medieval Shakespeare?’: Introduction.” Medieval Shakespeare. Special Issue of Shakespeare: Journal of the British Shakespeare Association 8.4 (2012): 1-5. KOPS / Publisher
  • “‘I would eat his heart’: Liebeshunger und Blutdurst in Shakespeares Much Ado About Nothing.” Zeitsprünge: Forschungen zur Frühen Neuzeit 15.4 (2011):  503-531. KOPS / PDF
  • “Second Selves, Second Stories: Unreliable Narration and the Circularity of Reading in Ford Madox Ford’s The Good Soldier and Chuck Palahniuk’s / David Fincher’s Fight Club.” Literature and Circularity, Special Issue of Symbolism: An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics 9 (2010). Eds. Christoph Henke and Martin Middeke. 217-241. KOPS / PDF 
  • “‘But of course the stage has certain limits’? The Adaptation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses in Shakespeare’s Plays.” Anglia: Zeitschrift für Englische Philologie 127.3 (2009): 425-458. KOPS / PDF / Publisher
  • “Screening Austen’s Pride and Prejudice in Transcultural Britain: Joe Wright’s Little England and Gurinder Chadha’s Global Village.” Transcultural Britain. Special Issue of Journal for the Study of British Cultures 15.1 (2008). Eds. Bernd-Peter Lange and Dirk Wiemann. 43-58. KOPS / PDF / Publisher
  • “Reproductions and No Original: Gender and Traumatic Memory.” Iterationen: Geschlecht im kulturellen Gedächtnis. Querelles: Jahrbuch für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung 2008. Eds. Anja Schwarz and Sabine Lucia Müller. 171-190. KOPS / PDF / Publisher
  • “Martha C. Nussbaum versus Judith Butler oder ‚Old-style’-Feminismus versus poststrukturalistische Gender-Theorie.” Kontroversen in der Literaturtheorie / Literaturtheorie in der Kontroverse. Publikationen zur Zeitschrift für Germanistik 19 (2007). Eds. Ralf Klausnitzer and Carlos Spoerhase.  427-442. KOPS / PDF / Publisher

Articles in Books

  • with Thomas G. Kirsch. "Einleitung: Gewissheitsökologien und der Möglichkeitssinn des Plausibilisierens." Vorläufige Gewissheiten: Plausibilität als soziokulturelle Praxis. Eds. Thomas G. Kirsch and Christina Wald. Bielefeld: transcript, 2024. 9-35. KOPS / Publisher
  • "Theatrale Plausibilität im Drama der Migration." Vorläufige Gewissheiten: Plausibilität als soziokulturelle Praxis. Eds. Thomas G. Kirsch and Christina Wald. Bielefeld: transcript, 2024. 9-35. KOPS / Publisher
  • “Männliche Mutterschaft in Westworld und The Tempest.One More Loop Around the Bend: Kulturanalytische Betrachtungen zu Westworld. Eds. Elisabeth Bronfen, Christine Lötscher, and Klaus Müller-Wille. Zürich and Berlin: Diaphanes, 2023. 187-216. KOPS / Publisher
  • with Anja Hartl and Jonas Kellermann: “Queering Infrastructures of Romance.” Rethinking Infrastructure Across the Humanities. Eds. Aaron Pinnix, Axel Volmar, Fernando Esposito, and Nora Binder. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2023, 191-200. KOPS / PDF / Publisher
  • “Matchmaking and the Infrastructure of Romance: The One or What You Will?" Figures of Pathos: Festschrift in Honor of Elisabeth Bronfen. Eds. Frauke Berndt, Isabel Karremann, and Klaus Müller-Wille. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2023, 293-305. Publisher
  • "Europas Wiedergänger und die postkoloniale Politik der Toten: Thomas Köcks antigone. ein requiem und Magnet Theatres Antigone (not quite/quiet)." Die Politik der Toten: Figuren und Funktionen der Toten in Literatur und Politischer Theorie. Eds. Marcus Llanque and Katja Sarkowsky. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2023. 189-215. KOPS / Publisher
  • "'And Here Remain With Your Uncertainty': Paradoxien des Raumes in Shakespeares Hikesie-Tragödie 'Coriolanus'." Flucht und Szene : Perspektiven und Formen eines Theaters der Fliehenden / Menke, Bettine; Vogel, Juliane (ed.). - Berlin : Theater der Zeit, 2018. - (Recherchen ; 135). - pp. 140-166. . KOPS / Publisher
  • "Romancing the Eucharist: Confessional Conflict and Elizabethan Romances." Forms of Faith: Literary Form and Religious Conflict in Early Modern England . Eds. Jonathan Baldo and Isabel Karreman. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2017. 72-89. KOPS   / Publisher
  • "The Theatrical Topology of Tyranny in Richard III ." Shakespeare and Space: Theatrical Explorations of the Spatial Paradigm. Eds. Ina Habermann and Michelle Witen. Shakespeare Series. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 39-57. KOPS / Publisher
  • with Gerd Bayer: "Introduction: Early Modern Prose Fiction and the Making of Genre." Anglistentag 2011, Freiburg: Proceedings. Eds. Monika Fludernik and Bernd Kortmann. Trier: WVT, 2012. 107-111. KOPS
  • with Martin Middeke: “Melancholia as a Sense of Loss: An Introduction.” The Literature of Melancholia: Early Modern to Postmodern. Eds. Martin Middeke and Christina Wald. New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 1-19. KOPS / PDF / Publisher
  • “Transubstantiation, Transvestism, and the Transformative Power of Elizabethan Prose Fiction.” Narrative Developments from Chaucer to Defoe. Eds. Gerd Bayer and Ebbe Klitgård. New York: Routledge, 2011. 235-254. KOPS / Publisher
  • “The Quest for the Body Underneath: Die Säkularisierung der Transsubstantiations-Debatte in englischen Romances der Renaissance.” Weltliche Wallfahrten: Die Suche nach dem Realen. Eds. Stefan Börnchen and Georg Mein. München: Fink, 2010. 305-321. KOPS / PDF / Publisher
  • “Gender-Performativität und theatrale Performance: As You Like It.” Theorien der Literatur: Grundlagen und Perspektiven. Band III.  Eds. Günter Butzer and Hubert Zapf. Tübingen: Francke, 2009. 169-189. KOPS / PDF / Publisher
  • “Zurückgekehrt, um dramatischer zu verschwinden? Hysterikerinnen im englischsprachigen Gegenwartsdrama.” Rhetoriken des Verschwindens. Ed. Tina-Karen Pusse. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2008. 203-216. KOPS / Publisher
  • “Forced Entertainment’s Adaptation of Sophie Calle’s Exquisite Pain.” Non-Standard Forms of Contemporary Drama and Theatre. Eds. Ellen Redling and Peter-Paul Schnierer. Trier: WVT, 2008. 69-93. KOPS / PDF
  • “The Drama of Hysteria: Wiederholung zwischen Zwang und Subversion.” Kippfiguren der Wiederholung. Eds. Svenja Flaßpöhler, Tobias Rausch, and Christina Wald. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2007. 56-66. KOPS / PDF / Publisher
  • “'What discoveries do we bring back from that alien terrain?' The Spatialization of Trauma and the Exploration of the Pedophile's Mind in Bryony Lavery's Frozen ." Mapping Uncertain Territories: Space and Place in Contemporary Drama and Theatre.  Eds. Thomas Rommel and Mark Schreiber. Trier: WVT, 2006. 111-126. HEAD / PDF
  • "Das ganze Theater um Gender... : Oder: Bodies that matter on stage." Jenseits des Poststrukturalismus? Eine Sondierung. Eds. Lepper, Marcel et al. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2005. 249-272. KOPS / PDF / Publisher

Book Chapters

  • “William Baldwin, Beware the Cat (1553/1570).” Handbook of English Renaissance Literature. Ed. Ingo Berensmeyer. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2019. 265-279. KOPS / Publisher
  • “Kulturwissenschaft, British Cultural Studies, American Cultural Studies: Perspectives on Mad Men.” Approaches to American Cultural Studies. Eds. Eva Boesenberg, Antje Dallmann, and Martin Klepper. London: Routledge, 2016. 37-45. KOPS / Publisher
  • “Analyzing Film.” English and American Studies: Theory and Practice. Eds. Martin Middeke, Timo Müller, Christina Wald, and Hubert Zapf. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2012. 353-358. KOPS / Publisher
  • “Analyzing  Drama.” English and American Studies: Theory and Practice. Eds. Martin Middeke, Timo Müller, Christina Wald, and Hubert Zapf. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2012. 346-352. KOPS  / Publisher
  • “Analyzing Culture.” English and American Studies: Theory and Practice. Eds. Martin Middeke, Timo Müller, Christina Wald, and Hubert Zapf. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2012. 359-364. KOPS / Publisher
  • with Verena Olejniczak Lobsien. “British Literary History: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.” English and American Studies: Theory and Practice. Eds. Martin Middeke, Timo Müller, Christina Wald, and Hubert Zapf. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2012. 18-36. KOPS  / Publisher
  • “Kevin Elyot.” The Methuen Drama Guide of Contemporary English Playwrights. Eds. Martin Middeke, Aleks Sierz, and Peter-Paul Schnierer. London: Methuen, 2011. 163-182. KOPS 
  • “Dermot Bolger.” The Methuen Drama Guide of Contemporary Irish Playwrights. Eds. Martin Middeke and Peter-Paul Schnierer. London: Methuen, 2010. 19-36.  KOPS  / Publisher

Entries in Works of Reference

  • "Elyot, Kevin [Real Name Kevin Ronald Lee] (1951–2014), Actor, Playwright, and Screenwriter." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, 2018. KOPS / Publisher


  • "'Shakespeare zu inszenieren heißt, sich rituell mit dem Nichtwissen zu konfrontieren': Luk Perceval im Gespräch mit Christina Wald." Shakespeare Jahrbuch. Shakespeares Helden und Heldinnen. 152 (2016): 162-172. KOPS / Publisher


in Theatre Research International, Anglia, Shakespeare Jahrbuch, Anglistik, gender forum, Journal for the Study of British Cultures.

Latest Review: Shakespeare and Girl's Studies. By Ariane M. Balizet. New York: Routledge, 2019. In: Shakespeare Jahrbuch, hg. von Isabel Karremann und Sabine Schülting, Band 158 (2022).