After studying for a B.A. in English and German Literature and Political Science at Heidelberg Konstantin Sturm received his M.A. in literary studies with an emphasis in German philology at Konstanz University with a thesis on metaleptic narrative strategies in Goethe’s Lehrjahren. He is a research associate (Akademischer Mitarbeiter) and doctoral student at the research unit where he is pursuing a ­project on 18th century poetics. As a B.A.-student he was a research assistant at the Heidelberg Akademie der Wissenschaften, working with early modern manuscripts and conducting archive trips to France and Switzerland. During his studies he has worked, among other topics, on the carnivalesque in Grimmelshausen, Schiller, Raabe and Hofmannstahl, and on counterfactual narratives in texts by Christian Kracht. His current research focuses on the theory and history of poetics in relation to rhetoric, the theory of genres, and aesthetics in the 18th century, as well as on the media history of the book.

Konstantin Sturm, M.A.

University of Konstanz
Otto-Adam-Str. 5
78467 Konstanz

konstantin.sturm / at/